2016-07-11 - McLean Miracle


~6.3 miles @ ~13.1 min/mi

"Take a shot! Take a shot!" Kerry quotes a New Zealand dad, whose daughter was on the basketball team with her daughter and whose court-side shouts were oft misinterpreted. We're rambling around McLean and comparing language notes, especially involving kids, figures of speech, and slightly-naughty slang.

Bunny count = 6 plus an unconfirmed 1, on a pleasantly cool summer morn. Kristin spots a big scary-looking gray bird — heron? crane? — standing in the Evans Farm pond. The Starbucks app apparently causes Runkeeper's GPS recording to pause, so there's a ~22 minute gap and a missing mile-ish in the trackfile that correlates with iced coffee. We explore cut-throughs and discover a new one between neighborhood streets.

"Are you Mark?" asks a man on Margie Drive who's wearing a bright green Bull Run Run t-shirt. It's Charlie Miracle, a fellow Virginia Happy Trails Club ultrarunner. Small world!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-08-03